An elderly couple in their early 80s came to SACSS to learn more about how they could get help with their health insurance and access to public benefits. They met with one of our caseworkers who speaks Mandarin. During the meeting, the woman told our caseworker that the couple had lost their son during the pandemic. She was utterly inconsolable.
The couple live on their own but both have mobility issues. They were both very hesitant to ask about getting help with SNAP and with groceries.
Our caseworker immediately registered them for our Food Pantry Grocery Delivery services, and with other benefits like SNAP, AccessRide, among others. We also connected the couple with our staff attorney as they needed help with their naturalization process.
In the meantime, our case worker has developed a relationship with the woman, and is trying to help her deal with her grief and loneliness. We are also working on connecting her to a senior center that has a Mandarin community and Chinese seniors.
– SACSS Client, Case Management/Healthcare & Public Benefits Access